In cooperation with various institutions and aid organizations, the Rainer Winter Foundation is active worldwide.
Around 20% of the donations reach many needy and sick children and young people through numerous projects.
Partner of the fundraising campaign "Help for Ukraine"
We were able to get in touch with the aid organization "STELP e.V." through friends. After some very positive discussions and meetings, we decided to donate a large amount from our "Help for Ukraine" fundraising campaign to Stelp e.V. to enable valuable reconstruction work on a school building in eastern Ukraine.
In the meantime, various local families, children of trading partners or uvex customers, the women's shelter in Opole and the Kolping Society have been supported.
The largest project: the reconstruction of the school in Olizarivka for children from first grade up to and including the final year, which forms the center of the community and was completely destroyed by a bomb attack.
Other projects for Ukraine

Nepalhilfe im kleinen Rahmen e.V.
Since 2007, the Rainer Winter Foundation has been supporting particularly needy mountain residents in Nepal through "Nepalhilfe im kleinen Rahmen" from Cadolzburg.
Children in particular benefit from our commitment. Nepalhilfe supports a total of 27 school buildings at 11 school locations and ensures that around 1000 children are provided with a warm meal every day.
Clothing is also regularly provided for the schoolchildren. Another focus is on improving the infrastructure in the villages. A total of 72 toilets have been built in the last 4 years, which are designed so that people can also take a shower in these rooms.
For health care, dentists and optometrists visit every year to examine several hundred children and mountain residents and, if necessary, treat them on site.
Nepalhilfe gets by with extremely low administrative costs (2.3%), which is why Chairman Manfred Losert was awarded the Bavarian State Medal for Social Merit by Minister of State Ulrike Scharf at Nymphenburg Palace this year.

Vision for the World e.V.
Good vision is an important base for education
This is particularly the case in Nepal, one of the poorest countries, where the number of children with immense eyesight problems is particularly high.
The country's poor infrastructure is a large part of the problem. Many people live in the mountains, far away from any medical or even ophthalmic care. The high UV exposure, lack of hygiene and undetected infectious diseases mean that children are also extremely frequently affected by blindness.
Regular visits by field workers to the villages and eye screenings at schools help to identify eye problems.
Through these screenings, eye problems can be detected and treated - sometimes ophthalmic treatment is necessary, such as surgery for existing cataracts, which are also very common in children, or the provision of suitable glasses.
Vision for the World organizes eye screenings at schools in cooperation with local specialists and supports the training of field workers and eye screeners. Older pupils can also be trained as eye screeners and thus take on a responsible role for their fellow pupils.
In this way, we provide children with an important precondition for school education through good vision.